MARIE KHOURI IS A PARIS AND VANCOUVER BASED SCULPTOR whose works are rooted in a profound sense of dislocation and the search for a greater sense of place. Her sculptures are formed through extensive hands-on process that employs traditional sculpting techniques alongside contemporary innovations in material and building standards.
Born in Egypt and raised in Lebanon, Marie Khouri relays messages of movement, community, and connection through her artworks. As an immigrant spending time across Europe before truly settling in Canada, Khouri’s work speaks to a unified and diverse audience, creating sculptures that unify communities.
Her early career as a language interpreter, before completing her sculpture courses at the prestigious L’Ecole du Louvre in Paris, continues to impact her work, drawing from language to look for new ways to create a connection through art.
Her experience in formalism and scaling endows her work with an innate and essential structural framework and academic imprint.
Khouri’s work resides at the often-tenuous place between art and design, with close integration of form and function, reminiscent of modernist thinking best epitomized by the Bauhaus School.
ONGOING - Ecrire ou calligraphier ? L'alphabet arabe sublimé, February 5th - September 21st. L'Institut du Monde Arabe, 1 rue des Fossés-Saint-Bernard, Paris 5e, France
Exhibition I LOVE, Vancouver Art Gallery. October 15, 2022 - November 19, 2023. Vancouver, BC, Canada